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FileCatalyst is a robust accelerated file transfer software solution that supports client/server architecture, enabling the fast transfer of large files. It allowx the transfer of large files over remote networks experiencing high latency or packet loss.

FileCatalyst is a robust accelerated file transfer software solution that supports client/server architecture, enabling the fast transfer of large files. FileCatalyst solutions are designed specifically to allow the transfer of large files over remote networks experiencing high latency or packet loss.

FileCatalyst solutions employ multiple techniques to yield speedy file transfer results.  FileCatalyst is a UDP-based protocol, which makes transferring large data sets much faster, even in high latency or packet loss environments.  To cut down on time-consuming compression and decompression processes before and after a file has been transmitted, FileCatalyst compresses the files you send on the fly. TCP streaming acts as FileCatalyst’s functioning safety net, which allows for file transfer acceleration to occur even when UDP is not possible. Additionally, FileCatalyst supports delta transfer algorithms which allows for users to revise files and, instead of sending the entirety of the file, sends just the revision that was made. Once the revision arrives to its destination, the original file is modified.

FileCatalyst is an award-winning accelerated file transfer solution, known for achieving file transfer speeds much higher than other file transfer solutions.

Maintain scalability
Improve efficiency
Move large files with no delays

FileCatalyst ensures a constant flow of data, thanks to automatic retransmission in the case of a lost packet of data.

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