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Terms and Conditions

§1. General

  • IT2Trust A/S ("IT2Trust") deliveries to the customer ("Buyer") will follow these sale and delivery terms.

§2. Quotations

  • Quotations expire one week from their issuance date.
  • Buyer must accept quotations by email before they expire.
  • IT2Trust will send an email confirmation for all orders. Buyer must object to order contents in writing and without delay.

§3. Payment

  • All deliveries require either payment in advance or net cash due within 8 days of delivery, unless otherwise agreed in writing with IT2Trust.
  • IT2Trust uses AL Finans A/S for factoring. Please direct all payments to:
  • AL Finans A/SSluseholmen 2DK-2450 Copenhagen SVAccount no. 5301 0000 931482Phone +45 4343 4900(Include vendor name & invoice number)
  • Late payments will incur a DKK 100 supplementary charge per reminder.
  • Paying these charges does not prevent IT2Trust from seeking additional compensation for losses caused by the Buyer's late payment.
  • Discounts or setoffs require express written agreement from IT2Trust.

§4. Delivery and Delay

  • Delivery terms are Ex Works to the Buyer's address unless otherwise agreed upon, or if a different delivery address is specified on the order.
  • All orders shipped within Denmark will include a 10 Euro freight and dispatch fee. Additional fees may apply for physical deliveries outside of Denmark.
  • IT2Trust reserves the right to change delivery prices without further notice.
  • IT2Trust may delay delivery due to circumstances beyond its control. Delays of up to 5 days are considered on-time delivery, and the Buyer has no remedies against IT2Trust in such cases.
  • IT2Trust is not liable for losses resulting from late delivery.

§5. Delivery and Delay

  • Payment Instructions: Direct payments to AL Finans A/S using the following details:
  • Sluseholmen 2DK-2450 Copenhagen SVAccount no. 5301 0000 931482Phone +45 4343 4900(Include vendor name & invoice number)
  • Delayed Delivery: If delivery is delayed beyond 14 working days, either party may cancel the agreement unless the delay is due to force majeure (see item §6).

§6. Force Majeure

  • Delivery may be delayed without penalty due to events beyond IT2Trust's control, including but not limited to: war, riots, government intervention, fire, strikes, embargoes, natural disasters, epidemics, computer viruses, hacking, or shortages of labor, energy, or water supplies.
  • Delays stemming from force majeure will extend the delivery period accordingly. This applies regardless of whether the cause arose before or after the agreed delivery date.

§7. Defects

  • Buyer must inspect deliveries for defects immediately upon receipt.
  • Buyer must submit written defect complaints to IT2Trust promptly, including specific details. Failure to do so waives the right to claim the defect.
  • IT2Trust will, at its discretion, replace or remedy defective goods within a reasonable time.
  • If resolution is not possible, the Buyer may cancel the purchase or request a proportional price reduction.
  • Defect claims must be made within 3 days of delivery, or Buyer cannot invoke the defect.

§8. Termination Rights

  • If Buyer breaches their obligations, IT2Trust may suspend deliveries, stop goods in transit, and seek compensation in accordance with Danish Law.

§9. Returns

  • Returns require prior written agreement and must occur within 14 days of delivery.
  • Only standard products in intact, undamaged packaging will be accepted.
  • Buyer must provide invoice number, date, and return reason.
  • IT2Trust will charge a minimum 15% restocking fee for returned supplies.

§10. Limitation of Liability

  • Compensation claims cannot exceed the invoiced value of the individual products or services.
  • IT2Trust is not liable for indirect or consequential losses, including but not limited to: lost profits, lost savings, damage to goodwill, etc., resulting from delays or defects.
  • IT2Trust will notify Buyer promptly in cases of force majeure or other events beyond its control.
  • IT2Trust holds Product Liability as defined by Danish Product Liability law, which cannot be altered by agreement.

§11. End User Information

  • Buyer must inform end users of any conditions in this agreement that impact purchase, use, or disposal of the product (e.g., patents, copyrights, vendor guarantees).
  • Product use may be restricted (e.g., in nuclear power plants). Buyer must contact IT2Trust if products are intended for non-commercial/non-private use.

§12. Invalidity and Unenforceability

  • If any part of this agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable, it will not affect the remaining provisions, which will remain in full force.

§13. Expiration of Claims

  • Claims, regardless of type or basis, must be raised within two years of the claim becoming evident.
  • Overdue payments may be claimed within two years from the last received payment date.

§14. Deviations

  • Any changes to these sales and delivery terms require written agreement from all involved parties, even if the Buyer has fulfilled their obligations.

§15. Applicable Law and Venue

  • Any disputes will be settled in accordance with Danish law and courts.

§16. Interest

  • In the absence of a specific written agreement, IT2Trust may charge interest on overdue amounts at a rate of 1.5% per month or portion thereof, starting from the payment due date.

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