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Protect your sensitive information from online predators and theft – encryption is your essential defense in today's digital world.

Encryption is necessary because there are so many different Internet predators that seek to steal information from you as you use the Internet. To make matters worse, Internet commerce is a widespread and growing field of business. For this reason, many viruses and malware programs have been created to steal the private or corporate information that is entered when purchasing someone online. Encryption codes this information as it travels through cyberspace, protecting it from those seeking to steal it.

Encryption is important because it allows you to securely protect data that you don’t want anyone else to have access to. Businesses use it to protect corporate secrets, governments use it to secure classified information, and many individuals use it to protect personal information to guard against things like identity theft. To make matters worse, Internet commerce is a widespread and growing field of business. For this reason, many viruses and malware programs have been created to steal the private or corporate information that is entered when purchasing someone online. Encryption codes this information as it travels through cyberspace, protecting it from those seeking to steal it.

Espionage uses encryption to securely protect folder contents, which could contain e-mails, chat histories, tax information, credit card numbers, or any other sensitive information. This way, even if your computer is stolen that data is safe.

It is estimated that hundreds of thousands laptops and mobile devices are stolen every year.

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