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Protect your most valuable asset: data. Backup safeguards your company's foundation against unforeseen threats.

One of the oldest security solutions used in the computer industry is backup.
Your data is probably your most valuable asset, and from a strategic point of view, your data represents the company’s basic foundation. You have invested a lot of time, money and a lot of effort to develop and collect your business data. Databases, contracts, sales archives, emails, offers and even digital photos taken at important events, etc., represent the value of your irreplaceable business data. You can’t afford to lose this data. If your data disappears, what are you working with?

Most companies have antivirus, firewall, and other security solutions installed on their network. These help to ensure that there is no free access to valuable data and that malware does not come into the system. But both antivirus and firewalls are based on preventing the harmful elements. The problem with this approach is that they will only be able to stop the damaging effects that the systems are aware of. Antivirus programs are for example relying on constant updating to be effective. But even with constant updating, these systems will never be able to protect against everything and thus be completely safe.

Backup works using a different approach and is intended to restore data when otherwise they would be lost. Thus, contrary to antivirus and firewall programs, backup will not prevent damage, but instead help repair the damage. Backup is not a substitute, but a supplement to your security solutions. If the antivirus or firewall programs fail, the data on systems without backup will be lost if the data should be deleted from the system. The same would happen if the backup is in place, but in return, the deleted data could be recovered.

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